The idea of this organization first came
forth through the pages of the old United Pigeon Fanciers
bulletin. Enthusiastic response came forth from this article
concerning the plight of rare breeds, convincing one man (Paul
Steiden - Founder of the RBPC) that this was needed and wanted.
In May 1971 Paul Steiden issued the first bulletin. Our first
charter member was Bob Scadd of Evansville, IN. We have been an
organization since 1971, issuing bulletins except for a 30-month
period of inactivity. On Dec. 31, 1971, 106 charter members were
installed. In May of our second year, our membership was 451,
but since then has varied. The RBPC is an organization that
promotes and encourages the keeping of many wonderful breeds of
pigeons that for one reason or another are vanishing from our
lofts. Rae Breeds do not rank high with the whole group of
pigeon lovers, but have caught the whim of a few fanciers, and
have charmed their way into a permanent place in many lofts.
These fanciers continue to be dedicated supporters of their
favorite but little known breeds. Rare breed fanciers have had
little or no competition in many shows, but faithful ones still
enter their rare ones. We encourage fanciers to keep a few pairs
of rare breeds in their loft along with the more popular breeds.
We hope, through the RBPC to band together those fanciers for
their common good, to promote their favorite breeds of pigeons,
and to prevent them from passing from existence, like the
Passenger Pigeon, which is our club logo, though not the same
species. |